About Me

Hi! I am Li (Shawn) Li, a PhD student at Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California, supervised by Prof. Yue Zhao.

Before my PhD study in the USA, I spent wonderful years in Singapore and cooperated with great professors. I served as a research associate at Nanyang Technological University, working with Prof. Aixin Sun. I earned my Master’s degree from National University of Singapore in 2024, where I contributed as a research intern under the guidance of Prof. Tat-Seng Chua and Prof. Roger Zimmermann. Prior to that, I successfully completed my Bachelor’s degree at TongJi University, China in 2022. My research interests are centered around multimodal learning, Out-of-Distribution detection, and information retrieval.


2025.03 - We have a new paper aiming for secured on-device OOD detetion; see our Preprint.

2025.03 - We have a new paper tackling VLM hallucination from a causal prospective; see our Preprint.

2025.03 - We have a new paper for decoupled multimodal representation learning; see our Preprint.

2025.02 - Our paper “DPU: Dynamic Prototype Updating for Multimodal Out-of-Distribution Detection” is accepted by the CVPR 2025.

2025.01 - Our paper “Generalized Video Moment Retrieval” is accepted by the ICLR 2025.

2025.01 - Our paper “PyOD 2: A Python Library for Outlier Detection with LLM-powered Model Selection” is accepted by the WebConf 2025 Demo Track.

2024.12 - We have a new paper evaluating how LLMs can help with anomaly detection (AD-LLM); see our Preprint.

2024.11 - Our paper “Backpropagation-Free Multi-modal On-Device Model Adaptation via Cloud-Device Collaboration” is accepted by ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications.

2024.10 - Our paper “Towards Complex-query Referring Image Segmentation: A Novel Benchmark” is accepted by ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications.

2024.10 - We have a new paper on concept-based zero-shot OOD detection; see our Preprint.

2024.08.22 - Start my PhD journey at USC.

2024.07.31 - My last day at S-Lab NTU and in Singapore.

2024.7 - We have a new paper on ranked video moment retrieval; see our Preprint.

2024.02 - Start to working as a research associate at S-Lab NTU.

Work Experiences

Research Assistant, FORTIS, USC.

Prof. Yue Zhao

Research Associate, S-Lab, NTU.

Prof. Aixin Sun

Research Intern, NExT++, NUS.

Prof. Tat-Seng Chua


please refer to google scholar page to check all my publications. (* Equal Contribution)

Secure On-Device Video OOD Detection Without Backpropagation
Li Li, Peilin Cai, Yuxiao Zhou, Zhiyu Ni, Renjie Liang, You Qin, Yi Nian, Zhengzhong Tu, Xiyang Hu, Yue Zhao
Treble Counterfactual VLMs: A Causal Approach to Hallucination
Li Li, Jiashu Qu, Yuxiao Zhou, Yuehan Qin, Tiankai Yang, Yue Zhao
DecAlign: Hierarchical Cross-Modal Alignment for Decoupled Multimodal Representation Learning
Chengxuan Qian, Shuo Xing, Li Li, Yue Zhao, Zhengzhong Tu
AD-LLM: Benchmarking Large Language Models for Anomaly Detection
Tiankai Yang*, Yi Nian*, Li Li, Ruiyao Xu, Yuangang Li, Jiaqi Li, Zhuo Xiao, Xiyang Hu, Ryan Rossi, Kaize Ding, Xia Hu, Yue Zhao
COOD: Concept-based Zero-shot OOD Detection
Zhendong Liu*, Yi Nian*, Henry Peng Zou, Li Li, Xiyang Hu, Yue Zhao
TVR-Ranking: A Dataset for Ranked Video Moment Retrieval with Imprecise Queries
Renjie Liang, Li Li, Chongzhi Zhang, Jing Wang, Xizhou Zhu, Aixin Sun
Efficient Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos with Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation
Renjie Liang, Yiming Yang, Hui Lu, Li Li
DPU: Dynamic Prototype Updating for Multimodal Out-of-Distribution Detection
Li Li, Huixian Gong, Hao Dong, Tiankai Yang, Zhengzhong Tu, Yue Zhao
CVPR 2025  
Generalized Video Moment Retrieval
You Qin, Qilong Wu, Yicong Li, Wei Ji, Li Li, Pengcheng Cai, Lina Wei, Roger Zimmermann
ICLR 2025  
PyOD 2: A Python Library for Outlier Detection with LLM-powered Model Selection
Sihan Chen*, Zhuangzhuang Qian*, Wingchun Siu*, Xingcan Hu, Jiaqi Li, Shawn Li, Yuehan Qin, Tiankai Yang, Zhuo Xiao, Wanghao Ye, Yichi Zhang, Yushun Dong, Yue Zhao
WebConf 2025, Demo Paper  
Backpropagation-Free Multi-modal On-Device Model Adaptation via Cloud-Device Collaboration
Wei Ji*, Li Li*, Zheqi Lv*, Wenqiao Zhang, Mengze Li, Zhen Wan, Wenqiang Lei, Roger Zimmermann
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications  
Towards Complex-query Referring Image Segmentation: A Novel Benchmark
Wei Ji, Li Li, Hao Fei, Xiangyan Liu, Xun Yang, Juncheng Li, Roger Zimmermann
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications   
Panoptic Scene Graph Generation with Semantics-prototype Learning
Li Li, Wei Ji, Yiming Wu, Mengze Li, You Qin, Lina Wei, Roger Zimmermann
AAAI 2024  
Domain-wise Invariant Learning for Panoptic Scene Graph Generation
Li Li, You Qin, Wei Ji, Yuxiao Zhou, Roger Zimmermann
ICASSP 2024  
Biased-Predicate Annotation Identification via Unbiased Visual Predicate Representation
Li Li*, Chenwei Wang*, You Qin, Wei Ji, Renjie Liang
ACM MM 2023  
VPGTrans: Transfer Visual Prompt Generator across LLMs
Ao Zhang, Hao Fei, Yuan Yao, Wei Ji, Li Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Tat-Seng Chua
NeurIPS 2023  
On the Importance of Building High-quality Training Datasets for Neural Code Search
Zhensu Sun, Li Li, Yan Liu, Xiaoning Du, Li Li
ICSE 2022, Nominated for ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award  

Honors and Awards

Capital One Fellowship 2025.

ICSE 2022 Distinguished Paper Award Nomination.

AAAI 2024 Student Scholarship.


Program Committee Member of ICML (2025).

Program Committee Member of ICLR (2025).

Program Committee Member of ICCV (2025).

Program Committee Member of COLM (2025).

Program Committee Member of ICASSP (2025).

Program Committee Member of KDD (2025).

Program Committee Member of IJCNN (2025).

Program Committee Member of ACM MM (2024).

Program Committee Member of ECCV (2024).

Program Committee Member of ACL ARR (2024, 2025).

Program Committee Member of ACM MM MMGR Workshop (2023, 2024).

Program Committee Member of CVPR TMM-OpenWorld Workshop (2025).

Journal Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

Journal Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.

Journal Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.

Student Volunteer at ACM Web Conference (2024).


08/2024 - present

Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

University of Southern California, USA

2022.08 - 2024.02

Master of Science in Industry 4.0

National University of Singapore, Singapore

2018.08 - 2022.06

Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering

TongJi University, China